Monday, August 01, 2005

Bless This Mess

I am brown. Maybe I should not go outside in the sun. Five of us are going on a trip this week in a camper van like the one seen below, except not that one. The one we are taking is black and will have chalk drawings made over it on the course of the journey. The reason for this bohemian adventure is not clear, but my friends did it last year so I am duty bound to go. I will write diaries as I go round Europe.

OK I have to go now because my mother is hassling me. I am at home with my parents, they are 107 and 102 years old respectively and cranky as you can imagine. Now I remember why I do not come back here. I think it is important to keep updating this mess, though. Is there anybody out there still reading? If so, why not post a comment? You jerk.

White Van

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