Thursday, October 13, 2005

Grandma Grain and the Eternal Flame

There's Grandma Grain with her positronic brain
Is she a genius or is she insane?
Standing out in the rain

Who ate all the biscuits I left out on the tray?
They were for Randle
He's my friend the candle
He's a little strange

He's always got a light
Yeah but he's going out tonight
Who took Randle away?

It could be the aliens, coming to give pain
Or it could be the angels or the CIA
Who took Randle away?
Someone's gonna pay.

The eternal flame from the bottom of the ocean
Has been stolen, throwing the earth into commotion
Now old Grain puts her evil plan into motion -

She puts Randle to work in a power station
To breath life into her evil creation:
Her son Harry's robot reincarnation!

As all looks grim for the human race
To save the day, from outer space
Comes a group of Easter Island heads
And a cat called Daniel and a mouse called Fred

(They escaped from a lab when it went up in flames
After they were injected to give them super brains,
And set out for the galaxy to make their names).

And the aliens were here before back in the day,
But they didn't like the people or the statues they made
Cuz they tended to exaggerate
They're not awfully tall
But they at least came to help us when they heard us call

Now the battle has ended and the earth has been saved
And the vampires are safely put back in their graves
You may think that this story has been a waste of your hours
But I'm talkin' 'bout that candle with the supernatural powers.

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